Brick Cleaning Prices as follows:
residential site contracts
Commercial SITE rates
Call outs on DAY RATES
Half day rate = $723 applies to all call outs up to 4 hrs including travel time
Full day rate = $1330 applies after 4 hrs. Day rate from 07:00 to 15:00 hrs
Chemical = may charged as extra depending on conditions
Prices = per person per pump
Turn away FEE = $250 per person per pump if bookings are not cancelled in writing 12 hours prior to start time.
Waiting time =$150/person/hr.
Travel =$57/person/hr
Mileage =$0.65/km/vehicle for all travel outside of the Metropolitan Melbourne Area or if it takes more than 50km or an hour from our home base.
Accommodation To be provided or at cost plus 15%
Prices = All Ex GST and due on completion.
Collection = All collection costs for late and desputed payments arecharged at our day rates as it takes us away from productive time.
WE ONLY Provide Price Estimates based on time:
We estimate the time required into three categories below.
Light milky Mortar Smear
Moderate Mortar Smear
Heavy Mortar Smear
Time estimates are based on the cleanliness of the bricklaying, hardness of the mortar mix, types of plasticizers and lime replacement chemicals used. If required we use the AS 3700 Scratch test to determine the cement content and evaluate the mortar hardness. Field trials can also be used to determine more accurately the approximate time it will take to clean a job. Times required for categories 2 & 3 will have be estimated or they can be done on our daily rates.
Only the first category above would be priced on a $/thousand bricks rate. It would form the basis for a negotiation of a contracted rate as there are many issues to consider (See below for details). Also please note that the "Think Brick" cleaning guidelines state that the cleaner the bricks are laid the better the job will look. They only allow for a maximum of two passes about 1200 psi with a maximum acid concentration of 10% HCl.
As we seldom find a job in Melbourne which can be cleaned using these standards we have given pictures of the cleanliness laying standards required to meet these guidelines. If a builder guarantees a perfect standard then we can provide contracted rates. There is also a video showing clean bricklaying and how it allows perfect cleaning results with BarraTec. Brick cleaners can only clean what has been given to them, they cannot improve the bricklaying.
EXTRA time May be required FOR:
1. Scraping soiled & poorly laid bricks.
See 5 Rules for clean laying.
2. Extremely hard mortar due to:
Aged mortar over 20 days.
Use of Brightonlite, quick setting, waterproofing and hard mortars.
Jobs with plasticizers and lime replacements.
Any non standard mortar mixes.
3. Black bricks, Concrete blocks, Concrete bricks, Dry pressed bricks & 50mm bricks.
4. Delays due to site access issues eg.
Conflict for work space with other trades
No water supply or access to water
OH&S or other safety issues.
Any other site restrictions or delays due to Unions etc
6. Brick stain removal for Scum, Muriatic Acid Stains, Iron, Manganese, Vanadium, Brick Burn, Efflorescence & Mineral Silicate Stains will be quoted separately. These stains are due to moisture, brick type, mortar mix, and cement types. They may occur before, during or after brick cleaning. Barracuda 10K will not cause these stains and can prevent them or even remove some of them during the brick clean.
2. CONTRACTED residential work
Separately negotiated if the conditions listed below are met.
1. Clean brick laying with light mortar smear.
No Sandy Mortar on brick face and Arris
All four edges of the bricks are showing.
All edges have been cut and trimmed when the mortar is crisp.
All brickwork has been dry brushed clean and all sandy mortar has been removed from the brick face, perpends and horizontal beds.
Sponging as in the video below would enable perfect results.
2. Use of an AS 3700 M2 (9:2:1) mix or a true M3 (6:1:1) (Sand:Cement:Lime) mortar without admixtures like lime replacements or plasticisers unless they have been field tested and don't affect cleaning aor hardness or agreed to in writing.
3. No splatter or thick mortar left on the walls.
4. No droppings left in mortar beds, walls or footings
5. Fresh Mortar. Preferably 2 – 10 days old
6. Good OH&S standards and obstruction free work areas.
7. Prices are separately negotiated & subject to annual review.
N.B. Please note that the Think Brick Manual 13, sections 1 & 2 state that the cleaner the bricklayer leaves the wall the easier the cleaning task will be. They also specify that the majority of mortar residues and smears should be cleaned before they set. This coincides with our 5 rules and is why we recommend double jointing to pack the mortar (reduces blowouts and water staining) followed by cutting and then dry brushing when the mortar is crisp so you can use a firm brush (not a soft brush). If you require the best finish possible, brush the job clean with a damp sponge after the mortar has become crisp. If scraping is required it will be charged as an extra or incorporated in our pricing estimates.
3. Commercial rates
Half day rate = $850 applies to all call outs up to 4 hrs including travel time
Full day rate = $1550 applies after 4 hrs. Day rate from 07:00 to 15:00 hrs
Chemical = Charged as extra
Prices = per person per pump
Turn away FEE = $250 per person per pump if bookings are not cancelled in writing 12 hours prior to start time.
Waiting time =$150/person/hr.
Travel =$57/person/hr
Mileage =$0.65/km/vehicle for all travel outside of the Metropolitan Melbourne Area or if it takes more than 50km or an hour from our home base.
Accommodation To be provided or at cost plus 15%
Prices All Ex GST and due on completion.
Collection = Collection costs for late and desputed payments charged at our day rates as it takes us away from productive time.
To understand what is required please click on Brick Cleaning tab and see sub tab titled "Cutting, Dry Brushing and Sponging" or check attached video below.
Examples of Light Mortar Smear
Barracuda 10K (and Acid) works best cleaning light to moderate milky mortar smear left on a brick where all four brick edges can be seen. If perfection is required sponging after dry brushing will perfect the result (see below). We will provide a price per thousand bricks if we can follow the Think Brick brick cleaning Guidelines. This will only work if the bricklaying is lightly smeared as in the images below. See Think Brick Manual 13.

brick laying video showing how to get perfectly clean bricks
Examples of Moderate Mortar Smear
Occasional trimming of sandy mortar on edges and splatter cleaning required. It will also give great results with Barracuda 10K, but cleaning the horizontal & perpendicular mortar smears takes chemical, pressure, scraping and time so it costs more if you want to prevent collateral damage, such as staining, salt or scum formation, mortar bed and brick damage.

Before cleaning

Examples Heavy Mortar Smear common in Victoria
If your brickwork looks similar to those in the photos below and you want to keep your mortar beds in good condition without acid damage, we could do a site test to estimate the time required to clean your job. Poor workmanship with uncut, unbrushed & poorly cleaned brickwork cannot be quoted, as there are simply too many variables to consider but we can estimate the time required to give you an approximate cost.
For these types of jobs we often have to use Barracuda blended with Acid. Barracuda 10K inhibits the aggressive nature of acid and allows us to treat more often and prevents acid damage to the mortar beds.

After 5-6 months. Further erosion will occur due to acid attack from acid wash by products.