ABCCC's feedback process
Since the advent of acid washing and pressure cleaning most bricklayers no longer clean their own work so they no longer understand how to clean hard aged mortar and what makes poorly laid dirty bricks hard to clean. They do not realise that the dirtier the bricks are the greater the likelihood of mortar bed (and brick) damage while cleaning. Therefore we have started offering a feedback service for builders and bricklayers who are interested to learn what they need to do adjust in their bricklaying practices to help brick cleaners provide a better finish.
FEEdback sERVICE offering involves:
Booking & confirmation
job review
consultation process
bOOKINGs will be scheduled & logged in our Google calendar
On receipt of work order with a:
PO and ETS with the price for the job so we can invoice.
Bricklayers name and email so we can feed back our results.
Once we get this, jobs will be accepted logged in our Calendar with copies to:
Site Managers
and CM's if required
REVIEW & FEEDBACK ALL JObs with copies to Site Managers and Bricklayers (& CM's if required). Review will include.
Before and after photos.
Time to do job - Actual vs allowed. Variances discussed
Hardness & Cleanliness of laying
Effects of any admixtures
Discussion about mortar mixes
consultation with Builders & Bricklayers when and if required.
About time required to clean
the mixing process
mortar hardness
Sand, Cement and lime
AS 3700